Add a website
Adds a website to the system. Training will begin immediately. A website linking to a sitemap.xml
is optimal since all
links are already know. If a sitemap is not provided, the system will crawl any links it finds.
Only links with the same domain, including subdomains, will be selected for training. Pages are trained up to the limit your account plan allows. Once the limit is reached, training will stop.
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--data '{"name":"string","url":"string"}'
Path Parameters
- :accountID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced account ID.
- :applicationID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced application ID.
- :aiAgentID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced AI Agent ID.
Add Website Request - [Map]
The website to add to the account.
- name - REQUIRED[String]
An easy to remember label for this website.
- url - REQUIRED[String]
The website URL.
{"name": "string","url": "string"}
Website Response - [Map]
The detailed website information.
- accountID - REQUIRED[String]
The account ID the website is owned by.
- aiAgentID - REQUIRED[String]
The AI agent the website is associated with.
- createdAt - REQUIRED[String]
The date the website was added.
- lastSyncAt - OPTIONAL[String]
The date the website was last processed.
- name - REQUIRED[String]
An easy to remember label for this website.
- syncStatus - REQUIRED[String]
Indicates the sync status of the website.
- updatedAt - REQUIRED[String]
The date the website was last updated.
- url - REQUIRED[String]
The website URL.
- websiteID - REQUIRED[String]
The unique identifier for the website.
{"accountID": "string","aiAgentID": "string","createdAt": "string","lastSyncAt": "string","name": "string","syncStatus": "string","updatedAt": "string","url": "string","websiteID": "string"}
A common set of Error Responses can be found here.