List all websites
Lists all the websites for an AI Agent.
curl --request GET \--url \--header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
Path Parameters
- :accountID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced account ID.
- :applicationID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced application ID.
- :aiAgentID - REQUIRED[String]
The referenced AI Agent ID.
Websites Response - [Map]
List of websites.
- totalWebsites - REQUIRED[Integer]
The total number of websites in the list.
- websites - REQUIRED[Array]
The list of websites.
List Contents (websites)- type of [Map]
- websites[0].accountID - REQUIRED[String]
The account ID the website is owned by.
- websites[0].aiAgentID - REQUIRED[String]
The AI agent the website is associated with.
- websites[0].createdAt - REQUIRED[String]
The date the website was added.
- websites[0].lastSyncAt - OPTIONAL[String]
The date the website was last processed.
- websites[0].name - REQUIRED[String]
An easy to remember label for this website.
- websites[0].syncStatus - REQUIRED[String]
Indicates the sync status of the website.
- websites[0].updatedAt - REQUIRED[String]
The date the website was last updated.
- websites[0].url - REQUIRED[String]
The website URL.
- websites[0].websiteID - REQUIRED[String]
The unique identifier for the website.
- websites[0].accountID - REQUIRED[String]
{"totalWebsites": 0,"websites": [{"accountID": "string","aiAgentID": "string","createdAt": "string","lastSyncAt": "string","name": "string","syncStatus": "string","updatedAt": "string","url": "string","websiteID": "string"}]}
A common set of Error Responses can be found here.