
Retrain a website

If the content of your website has changed, you can manually retrain the AI on the new content of your system. If your website supports a sitemap.xml, retraining will be based off the last modified date as stated by the sitemap. This will allow faster retraining time.

Otherwise, if you are not using a sitemap.xml, you can retrain individual sites using the pages retrain API.

Click to copy
curl --request PUT \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Path Parameters

  • :accountID - REQUIRED[String]

    The referenced account ID.

  • :applicationID - REQUIRED[String]

    The referenced application ID.

  • :aiAgentID - REQUIRED[String]

    The referenced AI Agent ID.

  • :websiteID - REQUIRED[String]

    The referenced website ID.


Indicates the request was successful. Returns a status code of 204 with no content returned in the response body.


A common set of Error Responses can be found here.